Chili or chilli
The Grammarphobia Blog: Chili, chile, or chilli. Chile, Chili or Chilli? - Mexican Food FAQ. Chili pepper - , the free encyclopedia.
Chilli - Cambridge Dictionary - Cambridge University Press. chilly vs. chile vs. chili – The Correct Way to Use Each – English.
Keep using chilly instead of chile or chili? Check out Ginger's spelling book and make sure you never confuse chilly, chile and chili again!.
Chili - , the free encyclopedia
Ever wonder what the correct spelling of this Mexican staple is. The chili pepper (also chile pepper or chilli pepper, from Nahuatl chilli ?ti?li/ ) is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, members of the nightshade.
Which is the most correct spelling in English for this vegetable/spice
BBC - Food - Chilli recipes. Chili vs. chilli - WordReference Forums. Hi everybody! Does anybody knows the difference between chili and chilli Cheers, Ricardo. The Wiltshire Chilli Farm Top UK chilli farm – Wiltshire Chillies.
Chili - Wiktionary.
In general, the smaller the chilli, the more potent, but it's worth bearing in mind that individual chillies of the same variety and even from the same plant can. This great chilli has to be one of the best dishes to serve to friends for a casual I add chillies with seeds instead of the pepper to add a kick and a small piece.
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