Intine - definition of intine by The Free Dictionary. Intine Define Intine at The Pollen Wall — University of Leicester. Definitions : intine - Dictionnaire de francais Larousse. Definition intine Dictionnaire definition francais Reverso.
The innermost wall of a spore or pollen grain. American Heritage Dictionary of the English. Intine - Definitions Francais : Retrouvez la definition de intine - Dictionnaire, definitions, section_expression, conjugaison, synonymes, homonymes, difficultes.
Intine definition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'INTI',intime',intone',inanite', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, contraire, grammaire.
Intine - Wiktionary
The inner coat of a spore, especially a pollen grain. Origin Expand. Latin. 1825-1835. 1825-35. Latin int (us) within + -ine2. Unabridged. Therefore exine synthesis and patterning are under sporophytic control.
In contrast, intine wall synthesis is largely under the control of the microspore cytoplasm.
Intine - Universal-Lexikon
Intine – Dictionary definition of intine Pollen-wall proteins: quantitative cytochemistry of the origins. J Cell Sci. 19Jul.21(2):423-35. Pollen-wall proteins: quantitative cytochemistry of the origins of intine and exine enzymes in Brassica oleracea.
Vithanage HI. Figure 2: Nexine and intine layers are absent in - Nature.
Words that contain Intine - Scrabble Word Finder.Figure 2: Nexine and intine layers are absent in tek (a–n). From The tapetal AHL family protein TEK determines nexine formation in the pollen. Definition of intine – Our online dictionary has intine information from A Dictionary of Plant Sciences dictionary. Encyclopedia.coEnglish, psychology and.
Words that contain Intine, words containing Intine, words including Intine, words with Intine in them.
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